Pretošanās (Resistance)
23 March 2020

programmed from open call for Process Experimental Film Festival, Riga

at Kino Bize, 22.03.2018

Šajā programmā daudzveidīgi izteikumi par politiku, identitāti, formāliem jautājumiem un redzamību atrodas starp spēkiem, kas tiecas ieviest kādu plakanu kārtību. Šie izteikumi nav reakcionāri. Eksistences akts, novirzījies no slāpējoša spēka, ir darbība. Patiesībā tā ir zaglīgā kontrole, kas reaģē – gluži kā imūnsistēma –, aizsargājot varas nevienmērību. Iedarboties, inficēt, samaitāt un, pats galvenais, eksistēt tai par spīti. Izasiņot pāri malām, vairs neietilpt.


Within this programme are multivalent assertions of politics, identity, formal concerns, and visibility in the midst of forces that seek to render a flattened-order. These assertions are not reactionary. The act of existence, out of sync with a smothering force, is the action. It is, in fact, the creeping control that is reacting—like an immune system—protecting an imbalance of power. Act, infect, corrupt, and above all, exist despite it. Bleed out the edges, become un-contained.


White Trash (Baltais krāms), Jeff Zorrilla and Ignacio Tamarit, 2017, 2:35

Splintering (Sašķīšana), Luz Olivia, 2017, 6:49

A proposal to project (Priekšlikums projicēt), Viktoria Schmid, 2017, 2:00

Events In A Cloud Chamber (Notikumi mākoņu kambarī), Ashim Ahluwalia and Akbar Padamsee. 2016, 22:00

I’ve been waiting to smile for a long time (Esmu ilgi gaidījusi, lai pasmaidītu), Christine Negus, 2017, 4:27

_______, Karissa Hahn, 2016, 3:00

Diana (Diāna), Traci Hercher, 2018, 8:00

Approach/Withdraw (Tuvošanās/Atraušanās), Ker Wallwork and Juliet Jacques, 2016, 9:50

Equivalence is one of the core concepts of translation (Ekvivalence ir viens no tulkošanas galvenajiem konceptiem), Asmaa Barakat, 2017, 2:40

Translation Sketch for Chapter 5: Risks of the Game (Tulkojuma skice 5. nodaļai: Spēles riski), Padraig Robinson, 2015, 4:42

THE END A MEXICAN MOVIE (BEIGAS MEKSIKAS FILMA), Annalisa D. Quagliata, 2016, 2:33

Sangre seca (Dry Blood/Sausās asinis), Colectivo Los ingrávidos, 2017, 9:17

In Still Time (Nekustīgā laikā), Leslie Supnet, 2015, 10:26

White Trash, Jeff Zorrilla & Ignacio Tamarit, 2017

Splintering, Luz Olivia, 2017

A proposal to project, Viktoria Schmid, 2017

Events In A Cloud Chamber, Ashim Ahluwalia and Akbar Padamsee, 2016

I’ve been waiting to smile for a long time, Christine Negus, 2017

_______, Karissa Hahn, 2016

Diana, Traci Hercher, 2018

Approach/Withdraw, Ker Wallwork and Juliet Jacques, 2016

Equivalence is one of the core concepts of translation, Asmaa Barakat, 2017

Translation Sketch for Chapter 5: Risks of the Game, Padraig Robinson, 2015

THE END A MEXICAN MOVIE, Annalisa D. Quagliata, 2016

Sangre seca (Dry blood), Colectivo Los ingrávidos, 2017

In Still Time, Leslie Supnet, 2015