The third programme of Its origins are indeterminate, We want superior forms of corruption, looks to fissures in language and communication as material to manifest and re-interpret for acts of resistance. Against the forced rigour of grammar and control, a space opens up for re-assertion and defiant existence. The programme’s title comes from Laboria Cuboniks’ Xenofeminism: A politics for Alienation.
Programme list:
Blade Runner – Autoencoded (Side by side comparison of the opening 5 minutes), Terence Broad, 2016, 4:46
Seven Signs That Mean Silence, Sara Magenheimer, 2013, 10:48
This is Living, Ghislaine Leung, 2011, 4:01
My Twilight Zone Thing, Sondra Perry, 2014, 1:04 (Work in progress)
Toxic, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, 2012, 13:00
Quantum Identity Politics, Miko Revereza, 2017, 8:48
She Who Sees The Unknown: Huma, Morehshin Allahyari, 2016, 6:04
Attention Public, Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby, 2004, 10:00
Noise Tribe Speaking-Out-Of-Control, Jenna Sutela, 2015, 7:00
(Audio work: documentation of performance at Lunch Bytes Conference 20-21 March 2015, HKW, Berlin).
Respondent (talk): Tamar Clarke-Brown
We want superior forms of corruption essay in programme guide available here.